
A professional learns his craft. This can be in the form of seminars, CDs, books, etc.  I read over 20 books per year (usually during the summer) on sales and management–while leading teams (ranging from three people to thousands).  It is highly encouraged that you learn from the masters who have come before you and have documented their path.  Some books or resources may only contain a few ideas–but these alone will often help you become the best of the best and among the elite in your field.

Following are additional resources that will improve your skills:


  • The Ultimate Resource for Software Marketing. Contains a LOT of the principles used within Chanimal. Over 500 pages of content.  Understand the channel, sales, HR, and our strategy.
  • Great content. One of the greatest sales and motivational trainers in all history. Get his books and watch his videos (check YouTube).
  • One of the most concise hard-selling skills sales trainers ever. Shows a systematic approach that can teach everyone to sell.  Includes books, CD’s, MP3’s and videos (including YouTube).



Most of the books within the following categories can be ordered via Amazon.

